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Set up a Foundation in Croatia

Set up a Foundation in Croatia

The National Foundation for Civil Society Development and the Office NGOs are part of the government in Croatia andare two important institutions which oversee the activities of foundations in the country and sustain them on an international plan. Non-profit organizations or foundations in Croatia can be set up with fewer formalities by any person regardless of the nationality. In matters of documents preparation, our specialists in company formation in Croatia can provide the necessary support.

What is a foundation in Croatia?

Foundations are also known as charities and are considered legal entities which have a single purpose, and that is to accumulate funds and place them in varied social projects of major interest to the public.

Foundations in Croatia are subject to transparency and furthermore, such entities are appreciated for the support offered in social matters and in the research fields linked to different domains like medicine, health, science, arts, sports, and many more.

We mention that foundations or charities can be set up by at least one person compared to an association, another type of non-profit organization in Croatia, which can be created by at least 3 shareholders or two corporations. This kind of association needs to be registered as a company in Croatia in order to perform charity activities.

Rules for setting up an NGO in Croatia

Just like any kind of business structure in Croatia, a non-profit organization is registered with specific documents which must comprise:

  •     the name and the residence of the foundation;
  •     the address of the non-profit association;
  •     details about the owners;
  •     the purpose of the charity;
  •     information about how funds can be collected;
  •     the date of incorporation.

The registration of a foundation in Croatia is made within 30 days from the date the documents have been submitted to the Croatian Register of Foundations. We remind you that a non-governmental organization in Croatia is subject only to funds collection and cannot share the revenues with the owners. On the other hand, the Croatian authorities sustain all volunteering programmes and all kinds of charities, observing in a close manner how funds are distributed in the country or abroad.

Entrepreneurs who want payroll services in Croatia can contact our accounting specialists. Calculating and distributing employees’ salaries in a company is among the most important aspects in this respect. There are a number of procedures related to payroll that can be explained in detail. As for the prices of these services, they are calculated according to the type of company, activities, size, and number of employees. Get in touch with us for all the details.

If you are interested in more details about how a foundation can be created in Croatia, please feel free to contact our company formation consultants in Croatia.